Friday, July 13, 2012

Mold Stain Removal

When I moved to the city, I didn't bring all of my clothes with me. However, I wanted to get my clothes brought down before fall/winter so I can see what I'll need when the cooler weather comes in. Me and Scotty drove through to Rosedale to pick them up and spent a lovely day with my Mom and Dad! But, when we got back to our apartment and I started to unpack my box of clothes, I realised disaster had struck! One of my boxes had gotten damp in the garage and some of my best winter clothes had mold stains on them. I honestly thought I was going to cry. I was all set to throw them away, but luckily I had BBM'd my work mate Claudia at the fashion magazine and she rang to tell me not to throw them out and she headed straight round! She knew how to save my beloved clothes and she is my angel! We only lost one coat out of the 15 items that were affected, so it was pretty good going!

This is what we did.

  1. First we took the clothes out onto the balcony and brushed out the surface mold. We wore masks so we didn't breath in the spores. We left the clothes out there in the sun while we had some wine because apparently sunlight kills most molds.
  2. Next we presoaked the stains in cold water for an hour before washing in hot water with detergent. We had to repeat this 3 or 4 times on some items to get all the stains out.
  3. Instead of drying in the tumble dryer, we hung them outside to allow the sun to kill off any remaining spores.

Claudia also told me that I could spot treat with bleach on white items or lemon juice and salt on colors if the mold returns. I am so glad I didn't throw them away!

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