Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Team USA

Olympic fever seems to be attacking everybody! I'm not a huge sports fan, but at work last week we had a 'Team Trend' day where we picked out a country and had to come dressed themed to that country the next day! I got Team USA which was awesome not just because it is the home team but also because I had wanted an excuse to buy these kick ass stars n stripes leggings from BMA Modified! I teamed them with my American Flag power plugs which I already had and borrowed Scotty's basketball shirt. I accessorized with a scarf and a USA bracelet I picked up at the market. I would probably usually team the leggings with a black shirt and boots instead of going all out on the Red, White and Blue but it was fine to go nuts for the special day!! I even ended up watching a little bit of the games too!
Team USA

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Vintage American Flag U.S.A. BMA Power Plugs - $15.00 | BMA Modified -...

Leggings // Faded U.S.A. - $22.00 | BMA Modified - LA's Custom and...

Leggings // Faded U.S.A. - $22.00 | BMA Modified - LA's Custom and...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Keep Calm And Stay Fashionable

Sometimes a trend just explodes from nowhere and there is no escaping it. For several months now that trend has been “Keep Calm..”. If you have been living under a rock, let me explain this trend!

Keep Calm and Carry On was originally on a poster produced by the British Government in 1939 in order to raise moral at the start of the second world war. It was rediscovered around the year 2000 and has be re-issued by a variety of companies as a decorative theme. It has since been found on everything from mugs and rugs to clothing and accessories. The original poster was the last in a series of three with the previous posters reading the altogether less catchy “Freedom Is In Peril. Defend It With All Your Might” and “Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution Wring Us Victory.” Crown Copyright expires after 50 years, so by the time the poster was discovered in 2000 it was in the Public Domain. The catchphrase soon took hold and over the last few years especially the popularity has spread worldwide, not just for the original but also for endless parody versions. It is believed that the popularity of the slogan is down to the fact that in post recession years the original intention seems particularly relevant.

I too have been bitten by the keep calm bug. I was delighted when one of my favourite retailers of body plugs released a “keep calm” design in their latest Fall/Winter 2012 collection. I've already ordered a pair and put together an outfit to wear with them. The only thing I would love more would be if they were to release a pair with “Keep Calm And Modify Your Body” - actually I think I'll go suggest just that! Meanwhile, check out my Keep Calm look...

Keep Calm

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

KupKake Kitchen

KupKake Kitchen

KupKake Kitchen by carolyn-joy-derby on polyvore.com

I am doing up the kitchen in my apartment and it is going to be pink and white! I've started buying some gorgeous pink crockery and accessories and I already have my pretty pink fridge. I did see a pink kitchen - we are talking cabinetry, countertops and appliances - but Scotty said he was going to disown me if I did anything like that! So I'm settling for this gorgeous white gloss kitchen

I am keeping my existing cabinetry because it is pretty structurally sound, I have just ordered new counter-tops and cabinet doors and I will accessorize in pink! I think it will be beautiful and I am going to throw a pink party when it's all finished!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Extreme Style

Rico with Lady Gaga

Body modification is one of the most heavily discussed, and most controversial trends in the world of fashion. The thing is, unlike most fashion trends, body modification is usually pretty permanent. We can't just get a tattoo for a season and then get rid of it! Well, we could go fake, but that's not really the point! In the fashion industry is renowned for setting up one form of beauty and shunning all others. However, I think in recent times this has begun to change. I give credit to this change to one lady! I'm talking about Stefani Germanotta aka Lady Gaga! She has almost single handedly made it acceptable to have an alternative form of beauty. She has championed the fact that all forms of beauty are acceptable and love her or hate her you have to respect her for that! One of the ways in which she brought this ethos to the forefront recently was in the music video for her hit song Born This Way'. Not only did she appear in the video with sub-dermal implants in her head and shoulders, (although there is debate over whether they are real or simply prosthetics) but she features Rico the Zombie Boy aka tattooed model and artist Rick Genest who is famous for his almost entire body tattoo transforming him into a rotting corpse!

Some of the most extreme forms of body modification such as tongue cleaving, scarification and elfin ear modification are not for everyone. To many they are ugly, but to others they are beautiful. There is a huge amount of stigma attached to extreme body modification. For many it is likened to using cosmetic surgery to make yourself fit a certain beauty ideal, but I have to disagree. Body modification is more about expressing your own creativity. I do think that as a permanent choice it is important not to place emphasis on it as a trend. It's a lifestyle choice. But, I do think that the inclusion of Rico in the Mulger menswear catwalk shows last Fall was a genius move. It sent the message that it's ok to be different. We are all beautiful in our own way. Personally? I think Rico is hot both with and without his body art (Check out his Dermablend Commercial).

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mold Stain Removal

When I moved to the city, I didn't bring all of my clothes with me. However, I wanted to get my clothes brought down before fall/winter so I can see what I'll need when the cooler weather comes in. Me and Scotty drove through to Rosedale to pick them up and spent a lovely day with my Mom and Dad! But, when we got back to our apartment and I started to unpack my box of clothes, I realised disaster had struck! One of my boxes had gotten damp in the garage and some of my best winter clothes had mold stains on them. I honestly thought I was going to cry. I was all set to throw them away, but luckily I had BBM'd my work mate Claudia at the fashion magazine and she rang to tell me not to throw them out and she headed straight round! She knew how to save my beloved clothes and she is my angel! We only lost one coat out of the 15 items that were affected, so it was pretty good going!

This is what we did.

  1. First we took the clothes out onto the balcony and brushed out the surface mold. We wore masks so we didn't breath in the spores. We left the clothes out there in the sun while we had some wine because apparently sunlight kills most molds.
  2. Next we presoaked the stains in cold water for an hour before washing in hot water with detergent. We had to repeat this 3 or 4 times on some items to get all the stains out.
  3. Instead of drying in the tumble dryer, we hung them outside to allow the sun to kill off any remaining spores.

Claudia also told me that I could spot treat with bleach on white items or lemon juice and salt on colors if the mold returns. I am so glad I didn't throw them away!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Winter Frost

I just noticed some new plugs at my favorite body plug designer (BMA Modifed) and I really love them! I already ordered them, put I just wanted to show you how gorgeous these are! They are the Winter Frost Blue Glass Plugs.

Of course being me - I immediately hit polyvore looking for stuff to match! This isn't necessarily something that I would wear with these, it's more like a little color story inspired by the plugs! I hope you enjoy! I've got a day time look hot for the beach with hot pants, a cute tee and some hi-tops! Then to make it a little more glamorous in the evening how about a cute dress, some topaz jewelry and a sexy pair of heels! I think I need to be adding a little more aqua into my wardrobe this summer, it's so cool and fresh looking!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012



Masquerade by carolyn-joy-derby featuring victorian jewelry

I am really excited, because this coming Saturday I have been invited to a masquerade ball. I've just finalized my outfit!! My inspiration is The Black Swan. I'm using lots of feathers and wearing my black onyx plugs. I ordered my dress from Etsy and I cannot say how delighted I actually am with it! It's a corset with a feather skirt! I'm wearing my gladiator style strappy heels and adding some black feathered wings and feather earrings. I also found a stunning masquerade mask pendant which I think is perfect! The mask shown here is not the one I am wearing, its just an inspiration. I am actually making my own. I picked up a plain white mask and I am getting busy with the glue gun and lots of feather, sequins and crystals! It's going to be super amazing! 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Body Modification In the Name of Fashion

Body modification has been around as long as humans have lived, and with its rich and fascinating history, the practice is unlikely to die out anytime soon. Body modification or "body art" used for decoration and/or ritual predates recorded history. Ritual body modification behaviors are traditional and reflect the history, spiritualism, and beliefs of a society. Body Modification has been practiced since the dawn of mankind. Some great examples of the flexibility of the body are the Neck Coils of the Kayan of Mayanmar. Body modification was commonly practiced by all levels of society from slaves to Emperors. Body modification is piercings in the ears, nose, eyebrow, lip, tongue, belly button, etc. It can also mean scarification, a process where the skin is scarred, in a specific design. Body modification by means of tattooing and body piercing has been around for centuries. Body modification practices from all over the world, past and present, are being introduced into the cultures of the West. As body modification practices grow in popularity across the Western world, we find ourselves turning more and more to the tribal world for inspiration.

Body Modification has exploded into a new generation, and with it comes many controversies. Body modification, a growing practice and subculture that now spans the world, has made extensive gains in merging the body with technology. While body modification for women may reject the broader culture's beauty norms, it allows women to gain subcultural capital, especially in subcultures in which male participation is valued over female participation. Body modification is just a way for people to look how they wish to look.

Any body modification you have completed needs to be looked after to avoid the threat of infection and aid the healing process. Some body modification practices may result to scarring and creation of permanent marks on the human body. Today, body modification is much less done for religious or cultural purposes and done more for pleasure, decoration, and expression. Body modification is the deliberate alteration of the human body for aesthetic and non-medical purposes. Also, body modification isn't limited tattoos or piercing, though that's what's most frequently thought of. Certain body modification practices, such as neck elongation or tooth filing, may strike Americans as strange and exotic, we must realize that we modify our own bodies in countless ways. Whereas body modification includes some very common procedures such as everyday piercings and tattoos, it is the extreme body modification that gets all the attention. Extreme body modification, while seeming unnecessary, painful and dangerous, appeals to a surpising number of people. Hardcore body modification to them would be splitting the head of your penis, suspending yourself from a single hook in your chest, or doing what's known as skin peeling (where long strips or shapes of skin are sliced off).