Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cosmetic Surgery Is Not Just About Vanity

Everyone would like to look their very best. Regrettably, for many people looking great demands significant body modification. Not the type of body modification which makes them resemble a lizard or have large openings in their ears, but body modification such as breast augmentation, liposuction and rhinoplasty – in short : cosmetic surgery. As a slave to the fashion industry I am often accused of perpetuating the 'beauty myth' but the truth is that fashion magazines are not about promoting cosmetic surgery for the sake of beauty. There is a bigger sense of responsibility now and we always try to feature natural beauty and healthy body shapes.

Some people do opt for cosmetic surgery for vanity reasons, but for many people the reasons go beyond
beauty. For example, a woman who has had a breast removed due to cancer may opt for re-constructive surgery to have her breasts looking 'normal'. Breasts can be enlarged or reduced during a cosmetic surgery, the choice will depend on the woman's particular needs. For example, a breast reduction may be carried out if a woman has a larger chest which causes her back pain or puts stress on her spine due to the extra weight. Sometimes, a woman will have a breast enlargement not purely for vanity, but if she is psychologically affected by having small breasts. It can make a woman feel more feminine and ease depression brought about by low self esteem about her body. I personally think that these reasons are very valid and it is why I never make assumptions about the character of someone who has had a boob job!

The same goes for other types of cosmetic surgery. Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, might be carried out to correct damage from an accident or birth defects and the various skin procedures can correct blemishes and birth marks or even burns and scars.

Cosmetic surgery is not the exclusive domain of the rich or the vain. It can have a very valid place in society and if people are becoming more accepting of body modifications such as piercings and tattoos, then why shouldn't cosmetic procedures by accepted too. After all, they are another type of body modification and one which may actually have good reason!

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